Our Aquatread or underwater treadmill is a great way to bring horses back from injury as well as provide an intense level of conditioning without all of the strain and stress on the tendons and ligaments. Our treadmill is 12 feet long allowing space and comfort for a horse when they are learning the ropes. This excercise takes 60% of their bodyweight off of their legs while allowing them to build up good aerobic capacity.
The incline treadmill is designed to duplicate anaerobic work for your horse here in a controlled enviromoment. What does this mean? It means we can prepare your horses’ muscles to fire and sprint without the stress and the risk of injury that they have at home. It helps build up hind ends, stifles, and hocks as well as gets their heart rate up. The treadmill will incline up to 11 degrees and max at speeds of 8mph. This allows us freedom and room to create a special program catered to your horses’ needs.
Our six horse prefiert walker allows a controlled environment for exercise before they return home. Whether they are recovering from injury and have moved on to the slow walking phase or they are ready to work and need a faster pace, our equiciser allows us to control the speed and the time that your individual horse needs to get him back right.
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